Tutorial of ComfortableIncome

Tutorial of ComfortableIncome
go to ComfortableIncome

isi dengan email Anda
Typing your mail here

Cek Email Anda
Cek your mail

Isi data dengan Benar
inserts your data truly
  1. Username:
  2. Send emails to:
  3. First Name:
  4. Last Name:
  5. Address:
  6. City: Depok
  7. State:
  8. Zip Code:
  9. Country:
  10. Referred by: (If no referrer, a Upgraded Affiliate will be assigned)
  11. Select categories of interests to you:
  12. Select Payment Method
  13. Payment account ID:
  14. Password:
  15. Confirm Password:

klik signup untuk mendaftar
Click Signup for register


Welcome Menu

Pilih No 7 untuk Mendapatkan dollar
Paid to Click (select No 7)
Akan Terbuka dijendela baru, pilih yang sesuai
New Windows open, chooses correct
Tunggu sampai 25 detik
Wait for at least 25 seconds
Pendapatan Anda sudah bertambah
Your account has been credited

Cek pendapatan Anda klik No 1
Cek Your credit, click Earning (No 1)

Untuk situs lainnya , tutorial nya hampir sama
For other situs , the tutorial approximately equal

Jika Masih ada pertanyaan, email saya (zonaboen@gmail.com)
if there any questions, please send email to me (zonaboen@gmail.com)

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