
6/20/2009 Add Comment
iQ-NotesiQ-Notes version 4.05,

This application gives the user the ability to track notes on their computer just like Post-It notes. The application is freeware, which means you can download and use it, at no cost! One neat thing you can do with it is that it can synchronize with an FTP server so the notes on one computer is the same as the notes on your other computers or laptop.

If you have notes all over your desk, or want to save information all in one place without losing them, you'll find this program very easy to use with many useful features. Simply just install this program and it appears on your task-tray. Whenever you want to create a fast note, just double-click on the post-it note icon on your task tray. It's that easy.

New version 4.05 released - with Clipboard Manager and many enhancements!

Features at a glance!

  • Unlimited Notes can be created and resized.
  • Archive Notes, Print Notes, Encrypt Notes and Sort Notes.
  • Notes are not stored in a text or ini file that are easy to read or hack from other people touching your computer. You can also protect certain notes with a password.
  • Synchronize notes with a server when using multiple computers.
  • Expense and Time Tracking functionality on each note with Start/Stop Timer and time-sheet tracking.
  • Set an alarm on the note so it pops up at a certain date and time.
  • Attach notes to webpages, spreadsheets, applications, anything and have them automatically open.
  • Clipboard Manager remembers everything you placed on your Windows clipboard and easily create a note from something you've previously placed on the clipboard.
  • Network send option that can securely send notes to other iQ-Notes users on the network or through the internet. Other "Sticky Note" applications blindly send notes in an unsecure way (open and readable) as well as without any security that the receiver is actually the intended receiver. iQ-Notes uses 128-bit encryption to securely transfer your note from one iQ-Notes user to another as well as verifies that the agreed password matches between users.
  • Automatic saving of notes with nine automatic backups behind the scenes.
  • Support for English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch languages (see below
  • It's Free!

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Download : iQ-Notes Version 4.05

FormatFactory 1.85

6/20/2009 Add Comment

Format Factory is a multifunctional media converter.
Provides functions below:
  • Rip DVD to video file , Rip Music CD to audio file.
  • MP4 files support iPod/iPhone/PSP/BlackBerry format.
  • Source files support RMVB.

Format Factory's Feature:
  1. Support converting all popular video,audio,picture formats to others.
  2. Repair damaged video and audio file.
  3. Reducing Multimedia file size.
  4. Support iphone,ipod multimedia file formats.
  5. Picture converting supports Zoom,Rotate/Flip,tags.
  6. DVD Ripper.
  7. Supports 48 languages

OS requirements: All 32 windows OS

Sebuah aplikasi converter yang mendukung bahasa indonesia, adalah FormatFactory merupakan sebuah aplikasi multifungsi yang dapat dipergunakan untuk mengkonversi beragam macam format audio dan video seperti MP4/3GP/MPG/AVI/WMV/FLV/SWF/MP3/WMA/MMF/AMR/OGG/M4A/WAV.

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untitle post

untitle post

6/20/2009 Add Comment
bla bla bla..
ini posting tanpa judul, ga tau harus dimulai darimana,, udah lama ga posting di blog ini (1 bulan), posting trakhir kmaren tgl 20 bulan lalu,,
Belakangan ada kgiatan yang ga bisa ditunda, mudah2an kedepan bisa atur waktu semaksimal mungkin,,,,

Welcome back....